Internships and more ...
© / J. Fieber

© / M. Reetz

In the Johanniskreuz Forestry Office, as everywhere at the Landesforsten Rhineland-Palatinate, different professional groups work closely together: foresters, office specialists, pedagogues, young people in a voluntary ecological year and much more. The tasks and work environments are very different and offer all their own challenges. Those who want to take a closer look at this varied field of activity have the following options:
At the Johanniskreuz Forestry Office we offer:
- Student internships (for individuals and groups)
- pre-employment internships (for the 3rd entry office)
- Training as part of the MSCEF (Master's Degree Program in European Forestry)
- Voluntary ecological year (FÖJ) at the House of Sustainability
If you are interested in an internship or if you just want to "get a taste", please contact the Forestry Office! You can find information on the FÖJ in Rhineland-Palatinate on the homepage of the central office.
If you would like to find out more about studying forestry, you can read on here.
Landesforsten Rhineland-Palatinate also offers other training and career opportunities, for example in the context of office management or research.